Tag Archives: How To Wear…

What are your thoughts: Do you love skinny cargos or wish they would go away? Have you found a pair that fits and flatters?

Here’s a blog post by Sara Cornell of The Fashionable Housewife, that I found very interesting despite the fact that I honestly disagree with it:

Skinny Cargos are a fashion trend that I’m having a hard time embracing.  I have tried to love the taupe colors, experimented with different shades, tan hands and pale hands, and I still think that taupe nails make one look like they slammed their hand in a car door and ended up with bruises on their fingers.  In theory, skinny cargos should work.  Skinny jeans – love ‘em.  Cargo pants – a fun a functional part of any wardrobe.  But together…meh.  The problem with skinny cargos is that they combine two the the most feared fashion components of any woman’s wardrobe:  making your legs look short and heavy.

Readers: What do you think??